Curriculum Objectives English Curriculum Students'Work Learning Activities Useful Websites  and Online resources
English Curriculum
Different projects for professional development in English
We obtained proper training on teaching by joining the project of Dr. Tang. As the consultant of the project, Dr. Tang gave invaluable opinions to improve our teaching strategies on different areas like phonics, teaching reading, writing, comprehension, grammar and small class teaching strategies.
Keys 2 reading and literacy programme was implemented successfully in P.4 this year. Students learnt to read and write with a systematic procedures so that they can publish their own piece of writing.
We worked with HKU in small class teaching in P.3 to update and equip our teachers with hands-on experience on teaching English reading and writing.
We received a lot of e-Learning support from BC STAR project. Our teachers were given workshops about the use of BC STAR to assess and evaluate the basic competencies of our students. This year, P.3 and P.6 were the major targets for the STAR project. With the data reflected from the STAR platform, teachers could update their teaching strategies and give suitable assistance to students for improvements.
EHLA was used for foster self-learning reading habit. Students were having more opportunities to read with animations and guidance. Most students were observed to be good readers even reading through online platform.
除使用課本外,一至三年級的學生也利用校本設計之教材進行學習。校本設計教材包括拼音學習冊(Phonics)、常用字詞(Sight Words)學習冊、筆記本(Notebook)、寫作本(Writing)、閱讀理解冊(Comprehension)及作業(Workbook)。
Sight Words學習有助學生閱讀理解,日常生活中接觸到的篇章七至八成的字詞屬Sight Words,因此,學生掌握Sight Words有助他們理解篇章七至八成的內容。
四至六年級Key Stage 2 Literacy Development(Keys2)
Activities at school
It would be advantageous if the school could to nurture a well-rounded students who are able to communicate well with confidence to face the challenges of the world. Therefore, the English team has started to develop and revise its own school-based speaking curriculum in P.1 to P.6 to extend and scaffold the communicative skills of all students in the forms of show-and-tell, storytelling, discussion and individual presentation. Besides, we implemented P.4 and P.5 out reach projects for our students to learn outside the classroom. Students were given opportunities to design their own healthy menus and interview tourists at Tsim Sha Tsui. All students benefited from doing research with first-hand and second-hand information. They became more efficient in setting questionnaires and analyzing information.
Reading is one of the areas that has been strengthened. During the year, we organized a number of book recommendation sections during morning assemblies. Teachers recommended and introduced suitable readers from the library collection including classical stories, adventure stories as well as stories about friends and family. This year the new addition of Non-fiction books were recommended during morning assemblies with the well-prepared bulletin boards, students can be motivated to learn English through the appreciation of literary work. Most of them reacted to the recommendations positively and some of them found it enjoyable to tour the library for borrowing the recommended books.
To foster the English learning environment, the team has implemented 3 large-scale English events during Halloween, Christmas and Easter. Students were provided with opportunities to have adequate exposures to English both inside and outside the classroom. The activities and games ranged from speaking, listening, reading and writing enabled students to build student’s English confidence to use English at school. This year we used QR code and real objects in the games to motivate students to learn English by seeing and touching. Phonics and dancing games were also introduced to make students apply their skills on these fun learning activities.
Apart from Kahoot and ‘VR Viewer’ to teach students English in a fun way, students were able to see audio-visual book reports as the form of flipped classroom to appreciate reading via the campus TV. Most students and teachers found the idea attractive and stimulating in learning English and promoting reading across the school.
The team had also prepared a number of activities to enrich students learning. First, we started the English Ambassador Programme as ECA with the hope of giving more language training in speaking to the chosen students. These ambassadors would also work for our school events in the coming year. Second, we held the Weather Report and one-minute presentation during morning assemblies. The activity allowed students to speak in front of a crowd of audience. The activity helped build up their confidence in English speaking and made them more aware of the real life usage of English. In addition, we organized Spelling Buddies during the 2nd Recess so that students were able to enjoy spelling and take it as an essential skill in learning English. What is more, the school had successfully organized the Drama Club and won three awards at the Drama Festival. Students and teachers enjoyed acting and English speaking through performances. Lastly, P.4 and P.6 students also took part in the Puppetry Competition. Students and teachers worked together for the puppet show. Students made puppets, backdrops and props for their great show. It was an invaluable experience to extend their learning out of the classroom.
Furthermore, the team continued to publish two issues of Creative English Buddies to promote English across the school and out of the school. In the school magazine, students’ activities, updated news of the English team, students’ work and teachers’ sharing are written to further enhance and fuse reading and life experience together.
Some students also took part in a number of writing competitions. With the proper guidance and training given by our teachers, students received solid training and obtained impressive results. They also learned to improve themselves through mistakes and failures during the training process.
All in all, the mentioned activities not only yielded great teaching results in English over the year, but also enriched the students’life experience.